
GI JOE '87 Animated MOVIE hits BLU-RAY in 2010!!

According to Shout Factory master Brian Ward (Twitter)!

"Looks like the print's in excellent condition, so you can expect G.I. Joe: The Movie to hit Blu-ray this year. Already working on bonus materials."


My note:
This is great news, as the original Rhino dvd had lots of video quality problems. I picked it up a couple years ago & digitization, lacing, color bleeds, ect. are all present. Other than ADV's Battle Angel it's one of sadest pro-animation transfers I have ever scene in digital format, & basically looks like it was made when dvd technology was new. I'm glad that Shout! seems to have a better print for their BD release. I will be happy to make the upgrade... Just the opening sequence alone is worth it!!

GI JOE '87 MOVIE Intro:

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