DATE 10.11.09 TIME: 1pm If you received this e-mail, then you have been invited to the Sunday Supercade party #4!! This time we are going for the LOST CLASSICS!! All of which are "gray-market" complete series releases, & all of which you have not seen an episode of for at least 15-20+ years!! Food & snacks will be there for a comfy a 80's cartoons viewing with your pals!! This will prove to be my most ambitious showing yet, so please look forward to it!!
More details about the party as we draw closer to the premiere date!!
From ANN: The California-based company William Winckler Productions (WWP) has confirmed that it is working with the Japanese companiesToei Animation Co., Ltd. and Rioloco Productions on new English-dubbed feature compilations of several Toei Animation anime. These titles are compilations of "classic and current Toei Animationtelevision series." 23 full-length features have already been produced, and the team is planning more in the future. The titles so far include:
Unknown at this time is if these will be complete tv series or compilation movie/best-of types, but either way oldskool anime is getting some love in the US again!!
From the wiki: A brief history of Channel 56 from the 70's-80's-90's...
Channel 56 is the oldest UHF license in Boston
As a Kaiser Broadcasting owned station, channel 56's schedule consisted primarily of cartoons, off-network sitcoms, old movies and occasionally, network shows that were preempted by other local stations in case of emergencies. However, the station was willing to experiment with such projects as Universal Television's Operation Prime Time (although Paramount Television would contribute some programs as well) and syndicated reruns of National Geographic specials in prime time. Such common independent-station programming as a Saturday "Creature Double Feature" (following repeats of The Outer Limits) reached youthful and cult audiences. U.S. talk-show host Conan O'Brien has credited the station's rotation of classic musicals in its prime-time movie offering with encouraging him to consider a career as a performer.
For most of its tenure as an independent, channel 56 was well behind WSBK-TV (channel 38) in the ratings. Still, it was carried on most cable systems throughout New England.
In 1974, the Boston Globe sold its share in WKBG back to Kaiser. The call letters were then changed to the current WLVI-TV that May, and in 1977, Chicago-based Field Communications (which had owned 22.5 percent of Kaiser since 1972) purchased WLVI and the other Kaiser stations. In 1983, WLVI was sold to the Gannett Company as part of a liquidation of Field's television assets.
Under Gannett, WLVI continued its general entertainment format, which included children's programming from 6:00 to 11:00 a.m., as well as from 1:00 to 5:30 p.m. under the WLVI Kids' Club banner. For the generation of New England children growing up during this period, "Uncle Dale" Dorman was the familiar personality fronting the Kids' Club, hosting the cartoons and appearing in hosted commercial segments.
Channel 56 was the last commercial station in the Boston market that continued to broadcast weekday children's programming until early 2006. It is now known as the CW 56.
<"Uncle Dale"
In the 1970s and 1980s, Dale Dorman the on-air announcer for children's programming and Creature Double Feature on WLVI-TV Channel 56 in Boston, calling himself "Uncle Dale."
FROM THE HISS TANK/DVD ON TV: This general release through normal retail channels will only be available IN LIMITED QUANTITY, according to Shout! Factory. The cost of $179.99 is a bit higher than the direct-sale/Comic Con pricing, but it will be identical and come complete with all the same contents: 17 DVDs with 95 episodes, extensive on-disc bonus material (including many "Knowing is Half the Battle" PSAs, a voice cast reunion, retro toy commercials from Hasbro, and much more), a collectible book, and a 1GB "Dogtag-style" (complete with chain) USB flash drive containing G.I. Joe Silent Comics.
The main "Sunbow" G.I. Joe item not included in this set already (no matter how you purchase it) is the 1987 animated theatrical film "G.I. Joe: The Movie". Shout! Factory is working on a brand-new 2010 DVD release of that production (the release date, details and pricing of that title aren't available yet, as it's still very much a work in progress). The footlocker set includes an empty place for that Movie disc to go into later on, though, once the studio puts it on the market. So you'll be able to keep your Joe on the go, all in one big package!
ADV Films, a pioneer in bringing anime to the U.S., recently ceased productions and transferred rights of many of its titles to AEsir Holdings, as well as SXION 23 (aka Section23), who plan to continue distributing select titles. In addition, Valkyrie Media Partners now has the rights to ADV's Anime Network, and Seraphim Studios has acquired ADV's Amusement Park Media production unit, which worked on Kurau, Red Garden, 009-1, Welcome to the NHK, and many other recent titles. All of these companies are located in Houston, which is where ADV was located as well.
For me ADV was one of THE companies in the 1990's anime craze. Their more adult-geared titles & colored clamshell cases made them one of my absolute faves, & they were in fact the leading company towards the end of the 90's with their Evangelion reign here in the US. They ultimately helped shape a good portion of the anime fan I am today, when their trailers/flyers like "End Of Summer" came out, I couldn't hand them my money fast enough... Their days past at Otakon where some of the most fruitful... and they gave us some very entertaining times in animation & music... Some of their titles will be getting new homes, but ultimately, they will be missed...
Here's to you ADV...
2014: CARTOON PARTY: Silverhawks + Skeleton Warriors + Batman Assualt On Arkham
2014: Cartoon Afternoon in Manchester: Iczer-1 + The Lego Movie
2014: Cartoon Afternoon in Manchester (Encore): Mysterious Cities Of Gold + Bionic Six + Visionaires + Ulysses 31
2013: OFFICIAL CLASSIC CARTOON PARTY: The Lost He-Man/She-Ra Collection + Robo Force + Centurions + Jayce & The Wheeled Warriors + Ulysses 31 + The Mysterious Cities Of Gold
2013: Cartoon Afternoon in Manchester (Encore): Saber Rider, Galaxy Rangers, Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, Cyber 6, Mighty Orbots
2013: Starship Troopers: Invasion
2012: Red Line
2011: OFFICIAL SUNDAY SUPERCADE 7: C.O.P.S. + The Pirates Of Dark Water + Cybersix + (Bonus) Evangelion 2.22
2010: OFFICIAL SUNDAY SUPERCADE 6: Inhumanoids + Dino-Riders + Extreme Ghostbusters + Captain Power
2010: OFFICIAL SUNDAY SUPERCADE 5: Sectaurs + King Arthur + Cadillacs & Dinosaurs + Mighty Orbots
2009: OFFICIAL SUNDAY SUPERCADE 4: Sky Commanders + Galtar + Gobots + Bionic Six
2009: OFFICIAL SUNDAY SUPERCADE 3: Visionaires + Saber Rider (encore) + Pole Position + M.A.S.K.
2008: (Unofficial) Turok Son Of Stone +
2007: (Unoffical) Avatar: The Last Airbendathon
2006: (Unofficial) Supercade 2: Thundercats + Flash Gordon '79 + New Adventures Of He-Man + Dungeons & Dragons